By Cradle & Tonic
First Trimester Journey: Exploring the joys of being 1-5 weeks pregnant
The first trimester
The moment you are holding a positive pregnancy test, one of the most special and exciting journeys of your life begins. Welcome to your first trimester of pregnancy!
It is generally agreed that the first trimester lasts until the end of week 13, and this is a momentous time in which both your body and the baby (or babies!) inside you go through lots of huge changes and developments.
In this blog, we will discuss what to expect during those first 5 weeks of being pregnant. Keep reading to find out more about your symptoms and discover tips on nutrition, self-care and more.
What's happening to your body in the first 5 weeks?
On the outside, you might not notice any major changes yet during the first 5 weeks of being pregnant, but on the inside, it’s a whole different story – and a whole different world! Your uterus is already starting to expand in order to accommodate your growing baby, which might mean that you feel like running to pee a lot more often!
At the same time, your breasts might feel swollen and tender, with darker nipples and more visible veins. Soothe your changing skin with a gentle, pregnancy-friendly body balm to apply after you have taken a shower or warm (not hot!) bath.
Early pregnancy symptoms
Before we jump into this section, it’s important to make a disclaimer: pregnancy symptoms are many and can vary incredibly from person to person, as well as from pregnancy to pregnancy. You might be a first-time mum ready to experience all the classic pregnancy symptoms such as sickness and fatigue, but find that you get none of them.
Or, you might be pregnant with your second and realise that your symptoms and cravings are much more intense – and unpleasant! – than with your first. In the vast majority of cases, none of this is cause for concern. Of course, though, if something specific worries you, or if your intense symptoms seem to vanish completely overnight, it’s a good idea to head to your GP or midwife for a reassurance check.
In general, the most common pregnancy symptoms during the first five weeks include:
- A missed period: For many, this is the first tell-tale sign that they are expecting!
- Tender, swollen breasts: While this symptom can also occur during ovulation and, sometimes, just before your period begins, it’s also very common in pregnancy and can last for weeks or months in some women.
- Shortness of breath: Are you feeling short of breath whenever you walk up the stairs, run a few metres to catch the bus, or even without engaging in any physical activity? This is another fairly common pregnancy symptom.
Tips for managing morning sickness and fatigue
Morning sickness can actually occur at any time of the day (and night, sadly!) and might begin soon after your positive pregnancy test. There are lots of different types of pregnancy sickness, so it’s almost impossible to predict whether you will have it and how it will affect you.
Certain smells or foods can trigger your nausea, so try to avoid them as much as possible. You may also find relief by using ginger, peppermint or lemon-scented products, as these can help soothe an upset stomach.
If you find yourself being so sick and poorly that you are unable to keep any food or water down and are losing weight, you might be suffering from the extreme form of pregnancy sickness, called hyperemesis gravidarum. Women with this condition might sometimes require medical assistance and even hospital admission, alongside mental health support, so contact your GP as soon as possible
As for managing fatigue, it's crucial to prioritise rest and relaxation during the first trimester. Take frequent breaks throughout the day, and don't be afraid to ask for help from your partner, family or friends. Strive to get enough sleep at night, and consider taking short naps during the day if needed. Gentle exercise, such as walking or prenatal yoga, can also help boost your energy levels and improve your overall well-being.
Try not to worry, take it easy, and get plenty of rest. Your energy should go back to “normal” in the second trimester!
Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Be patient with yourself, listen to your body, and don't hesitate to seek guidance from your healthcare provider if the symptoms become overwhelming.
Baby's development
After the egg has been fertilised, your little baby will slowly grow until they reach 2mm in length towards the end of week 5.
So much is already developing: their nervous system, their heart, their neural tube, and even their little face. The placenta is also gradually forming and getting ready to take on one of the leading roles of the whole pregnancy experience.
Things to consider when you're 5 weeks pregnant
There are lots of considerations to make once you find out that you are pregnant – here is a handy list of the most important ones.
- Contact your healthcare professional to inform them of your pregnancy and make an appointment for a check-up. In parallel, get yourself registered with your local hospital or another hospital of your choice.
- Continue to take folic acid and other pregnancy vitamins (if you were planning to have a baby, you should have already started. If not, start as soon as you find out about your pregnancy). Folic acid, in particular, is super-important as it helps prevent the formation of any neural tube defects in the baby, such as spina bifida.
- Review your diet, and start eliminating potentially harmful foods and beverages such as raw and unpasteurised fish, meat, dairy, milk, and juices, seafood, fish with high levels of mercury (swordfish, mackerel, and shark), and alcohol. If you smoke or take any recreational drugs, stop immediately.
- Reduce your daily caffeine intake or quit altogether.
- Book an appointment with your dentist, as good dental health is an essential part of a healthy pregnancy.
It's important to be aware that in the early stages of pregnancy, there's a higher chance of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. While these are difficult possibilities to consider, it's best to be informed. If you notice any spotting, bleeding, cramping, or have any concerns at all, don't hesitate to contact your healthcare provider for guidance and support.
Remember to try your best to view this journey in the most positive, empowering way, and to advocate for yourself and your baby whenever you feel that something might not be right. Oh, and always make time for some extra, soothing self-care: a happy mum means a happy baby, after all!